How Manuka Honey can Help Improve Skin Health

When it comes to skin health, there are various superfoods that can be used to help improve texture, elasticity, and reduce inflammation.  In particular, raw Manuka honey is extremely beneficial for anyone looking to improve skin health and enhance the overall appearance of the skin.

This honey has been used for centuries by ancient New Zealanders who swore by its health promoting and rejuvenating properties. The Maori tribe of New Zealand also used Manuka honey extensively for cuts, burns, and infections.  They also consumed it regularly as a source of nourishment.

Manuka honey is one of the most powerful honeys in the entire world.  Scientists all over the world have studied the properties of Manuka and its health benefits are well documented.

How Manuka Honey Helps Improve Skin Health

There are several different medicinal properties and elements contained within Manuka honey which are unbelievably beneficial for the skin.  First and for most, Manuka honey contains an abundance of essential amino acids which are needed to improve skin collagen (1). Those with low collagen levels are more prone to experience premature aging such as wrinkles and skin blemishes.

manuka honey

Luckily, Manuka honey contains 22 amino acids, 9 of which are essential (2).  It’s a rich source of the amino acid proline which is extremely important for preventing premature wrinkles and loss in skin elasticity (3).

Simply taking a few teaspoons of raw Manuka honey each day can do wonders for the overall appearance of your skin and can help prevent low collagen levels in the body.

Flawless Skin – Improve Gut Health

One of the very few talked about subjects in the beauty world is the importance of having a balanced microbiome and good gut health.  When the gut is healthy, the skin will inevitably shine and your skin will be well hydrated.

If you frequently need to use moisturizer on your skin in order to prevent dryness, this is a clear indication of poor gut health.  This could also be a sign of an omega 3 deficiency.  However, if you experience dry skin, inflammation, acne, and frequent rashes this is a clear of sign of a gut dsybosis.

In fact, research published in Gut Pathogens found that patients who supplemented with probiotics showed immediate improvements in their skin and a reduction in acne (4).

honey gut health

Unfortunately, many are suffering from a gut dsybosis and are completely unaware.  Various pathogenic bacteria and yeasts such as candida can also contribute to poor skin health.

Raw Manuka honey has the ability to fix the gut due to its powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.  In fact, it’s been shown that Manuka honey is capable of inhibiting the growth of various candida species in the gut (5).

As well as taking Manuka honey daily, changing the diet is of the utmost importance.  This means no processed foods or sugar.  For those interesting in learning more about how to improve the gut microbiome and what foods to include in their diet, The Weston Price Foundation is an excellent resource to utilize.

Applying Manuka Honey Topically for Skin Health

As well as consuming Manuka honey internally, it’s also excellent to apply to the skin topically.  If you’re suffering from redness, acne, or any other inflammatory skin condition, applying Manuka honey to the infected skin area can do wonders.

In fact, many have found that applying a honey mask once a week works extremely well for improving skin quality and elasticity. 

A simply recipe for a DIY honey face mask would be to mix 2 tbsp. of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 tbsp. of Manuka honey.  Mix all these ingredients in a bowel and apply evenly to the face.  Let this stay for at least an hour and then wash of.  Repeat this process 1-2 a week for best results.

honey skin health

Furthermore, research published in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences found that patients with infectious wounds who applied honey topically showed faster eradication of bacterial infections, reduced need for antibiotics, accelerated wound healing, and minimal scar formation (6).

Those suffering from acne can also benefit from applying Manuka honey to the skin due to its high antimicrobial activity.  Many have reported significant improvements in their acne when Manuka honey is applied topically.  Also, unlike synthetic creams which contain harmful ingredients, Manuka honey is completely natural and free from any harmful chemical substances.

How to Incorporate Manuka Honey into your Skin Routine

Manuka honey is extremely simple to incorporate into the diet.  It goes great in combination with various foods and is excellent as a sweetener.  Many enjoy the health benefits of Manuka honey by taking a teaspoon first thing the morning with a glass of filtered water.

This gives the body the much needed nutrition it needs after going several hours without food.  Some will find that taking Manuka honey throughout the day works best for their skin goals.  However, it’s important to take it slow when first incorporating Manuka honey into your diet.  The body needs time to adjust to the strong medicinal properties found within this potent honey.

The Skin Enhancing Shake

Below is the recipe to an extremely potent skin beautifying shake.  The ingredients found within this shake have been proven to enhance skin health and boost collagen levels in the body.

The Ingredients:

Manuka Honey: Excellent for skin health due to its high proline content and its gut health properties.  It also contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids needed for radiant skin.

Grass-Fed Collagen Powder: Research shows that collagen powder reduces signs of premature aging and improves skin elasticity.  It has also been shown to have a remarkable anti-wrinkle effect on the skin (7).

Just be careful, collagen is high in histamine. If you react poorly to foods high in histamine, this supplement is best avoided.

Acerola Cherry: Acerola cherry is one of the highest sources of whole food vitamin c on the planet.  Research shows that vitamin c is necessary for collagen production in the body (8).

Blueberries: Blueberries are full of beneficial antioxidants which can help improve skin health tremendously.

Cacao: One of the highest antioxidant foods on the planet, this superfood will give you an extra boost of powerful antioxidants.


1 tbsp of Manuka honey
1-2 tbsp of collagen powder
1 tsp of acerola cherry
½ cup of blueberries
1 tsp of cacao

Blend all ingredients together in a blender and add water until desired thickness is reached.  Drink this shake once a day to experience best result.  The taste may take some getting used to but the benefits of this shake are unsurpassed if you’re looking to enhance the quality of your skin.


Raw Manuka honey is an excellent option for anyone looking to improve the overall quality of their skin.  This superfood can be used either internally, or externally, in order to improve the health of the skin. 

Improving the health of the gut microbiome can do wonders for those suffering from problematic acne or poor skin health.  Several studies have shown that raw Manuka honey is extremely beneficial for combating pathogenic yeasts and bacteria that can contribute to a dysfunctional gut.

Incorporating Manuka honey in the shake recipe above is one of the best ways to get the most out of this superfood. Be sure to take it slow in the beginning in order to allow your gut to adjust this powerful and potent honey!