Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey Frequently asked Questions

Q. What is Raw Manuka Honey?

A. Raw Manuka honey comes specifically from worker bees in New Zealand which pollinate the medicinal Manuka Bush. These medicinal properties get transferred into the honey which results in an extremely medicinal honey.

It’s the most studied honey in existence and contains high anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties which are not present in other raw honeys. It’s literally the most powerful and healing honey in the world!

Q. How Do I take Manuka Honey?

A. When first incorporating Manuka honey into your diet, it’s important that you take it slow. Start off with a small amount (1/2 teaspoon) and slowly work your way up to higher doses. This will allow your body to adjust to the strong antimicrobial properties contained within raw Manuka honey

Q. How Do I use Manuka honey on a Wound?

A. For cuts, burns, and scraps it best to apply Manuka honey to the wound and then cover with a gauze or bandage. Each day you should repeat this process until the wound has fully healed.

Q. Why is Manuka honey so Expensive?

A. To put it simply, if you want the best then expect to pay a steeper price. Manuka honey is one of the most, if not the most powerful honey’s on the planet. It’s medicinal and healing properties are unsurpassed when compared to any other honey. It also only comes from New Zealand which causes demand to sometimes surpass production. All these factors contribute to high Manuka honey prices.

Q. Is Manuka Honey safe for Diabetics?

A. The short answer, yes. There have been numerous studies showing that Manuka honey is a safe alternative for those with diabetes or pre diabetes. It’s also been shown to help improve insulin resistance. However, be sure to check in with your doctor before using Manuka honey.

Q. Will the Sugar in Manuka Honey feed Candida?

A. Absolutely not. In fact, there have been numerous studies showing that raw Manuka honey actually inhibits the growth of various candida species in the gut.

Q. Can Manuka Honey Prevent the Flu?

A. Studies show that Manuka honey has an inhibitory effect against the flu virus and other viral/bacterial infections. However, we’re not allowed to make any claims or recommendations on if you should take Manuka honey to prevent the flu.

Q. What does Manuka Honey do for your Skin?

A. Manuka is great for skin health and can be great for those with acne. When applied topically, Manuka honey can significantly reduce redness and swelling caused by acne or other skin disorders. When taken internally, Manuka honey helps correct the gut microbiome which tends to clear up symptoms such acne and skin inflammation.

Q. Is Manuka honey good for Sleep?

A. Manuka honey is excellent for those with sleep issues or difficulty falling asleep. It has been used for centuries to promote deep and restful sleep. Simply taking a teaspoon of raw Manuka honey and a pinch of Celtic sea salt before bed can do wonders for your sleep.

Q. What is Manuka Honey UMF 20+?

A. Manuka honey with a rating of UMF 20+ is considered to be the best of the best. UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor and all Manuka honey undergoes rigorous testing before being graded.

Q. What is the difference between UMF and kFactor?

A. UMF and kFactor are different grading systems that producers will use to grade the quality of their Manuka honey. Both systems are heavily regulated and both undergo vigorous testing.

Q. Can Manuka Honey Help with Weight Loss?

A. Along with proper diet, Manuka honey can definitely help speed up weight loss. Due to it antibacterial properties, Manuka honey is able to rid the gut of various pathogenic yeasts and bacteria which can contribute to weight gain. It’s also full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which can help keep you fuller longer.

Q. Does it Matter if Manuka Honey is Raw or Not?

A. It’s absolutely essential that you purchase a RAW Manuka honey and not one that has been heated. Heat will kill of all the beneficial enzymes found in Manuka making it essentially useless. It will also diminish many of the medicinal properties that raw Manuka honey is prized for.

Q. How do You Store Manuka Honey?

A. The wonderful thing about Manuka honey is that it does not need to be refrigerated. In fact, Manuka honey, as with all raw honeys, do not go bad as long as it’s kept in a cool dry place.

Q. Can Manuka Honey help with a Cough?

A. Manuka honey is great for those with troublesome coughs. It’s excellent for anyone experiencing a night time cough that is keeping them up all night. Its antibacterial properties also help naturally treat the cough while also reducing symptoms.

Q. Can Manuka honey help with digestion?

A. Manuka honey can absolutely help with digestion due to the live enzymes present in it. These enzymes help assist in the breakdown of food more completely in the digestive tract. This results in better mineral and vitamin absorption. It also contains an enzyme called Amylase which helps in the breakdown of various starches.

Q. Can Manuka Honey help with IBS?

A. Various studies indicate that Manuka honey is extremely beneficial for those suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Its ability to clear the stomach of various pathogens which can cause IBS is unlike any other food. It has also shown positive results in treating various stomach ulcers caused by bacteria.

Q. Can Manuka Honey help Canker Sores?

A. Although no research exists on Manuka honey healing canker sores, many have experienced profound benefits when applying Manuka to various infections on the surface of the skin. This is most likely due to the medicinal and antibacterial properties found within raw Manuka honey.

Q. Is Manuka Honey safe to take Long Term?

A. Manuka honey is extremely safe when taken long term and has been used for thousands of years as both and food and medicine. If you begin to notice any negative side effects from taking Manuka honey every day, simply reduce the dosage or give it a break for a few days.

Q. Can Manuka Honey help with Allergies?

A. Manuka contains a wide range of phenolic constituents which can help relieve various allergy symptoms. In particular, Manuka contains quercetin. Research has shown that quercetin is extremely beneficial for those suffering from seasonal allergies as it helps alleviate many symptoms associated with allergies.

Q. Is Manuka Honey good for Athletes?

A. Manuka makes an excellent choice for both athletes and fitness enthusiast. It provides the necessary glucose which is needed by athletes competing at a high level. It can also replace unnatural dextrose supplements since it’s extremely effective at restoring depleted glycogen levels in the body. Many athletes will consume a few tablespoons of Manuka mixed in water after a workout in order refill the depleted glycogen levels.

Q. Who should not take Manuka Honey?

A. Generally, Manuka honey is safe for anyone to take regularly. There have been no known negative side effects of taking Manuka honey daily. However, as with all honey, it should not be given to small children.

Q. How many Calories are in a tablespoon of Manuka Honey?

A. In one tablespoon of Manuka honey there are about 60 calories. It should be noted that Manuka honey actually helps control appetite due to its high mineral, vitamin, and amino acid profile. It makes the perfect snack for those looking to lose weight and is an excellent option for health enthusiasts.