How Raw Manuka Honey can Help Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Each year, more and more Americans suffer from digestive disorders.  Inflammatory bowel disease is the medical name given to all disorders that affect the digestive system in a negative way.  Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, constipation, and diarrhea all fall under the category of irritable bowel disease or IBD.

 Many are told that this disease is incurable by doctors and that they will be on medication for the rest of their lives.  However, there are thousands of individuals who have successful reversed the condition through diet and the incorporation of key superfoods.

Those following a standard American diet (SAD) are more likely to develop an IBD condition due to the high amount of inflammatory foods present in this diet.

If you’re suffering from IBD, it’s imperative that all inflammatory foods are removed from the diet and a proper gut healing diet is put into place.  This means ditching the standard American diet and incorporating more traditional wholefoods into the diet.

How Diet Contributes to IBD

Processed foods, sugar, grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils all contribute to inflammation within the digestive system. Switching to a whole foods diet and removing all foods that come in a package is an absolute must. 

A simply rule to live by, if you can’t find it in nature growing, then don’t eat it! Wheat products are the biggest offenders when it comes to inflammation in the intestines. 

Research reveals that these foods all contain anti-nutrients, in particular phytic acid, which actually causes the intestines to become inflamed and increase intestinal permeability.  They also bind to key minerals in the body which can result in mineral deficiencies over time (1).
Interestingly, those suffering from IBD condition almost always suffer from intestinal permeability which causes leaky gut (2).  Simply removing these problematic foods from the diet can do wonders for not only your intestinal health, but your overall health as well.

Processed foods that contain high amounts of synthetic ingredients and emulsifiers also contribute to intestinal inflammation.  In fact, research has found that mice fed dietary emulsifiers will quickly develop chronic inflammatory diseases.  They also showed an increased risk for developing obesity/metabolic syndrome (3). 

Consequently, foods that contain emulsifiers can be catastrophic for anyone suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and it’s highly advisable to avoid foods that contain emulsifiers at all costs.

The Best Diet for IBD

Those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease need to consider changing their diet so that they can properly heal their gut.  Since inflamed intestines are the primary cause of IBD in the first place, avoiding all inflammatory foods such as the ones listed above is highly advisable.

Also, following a more traditional style of eating can do wonders for those suffering from IBD.  Grass fed meats, wild caught fish, and pastured eggs all contain the necessary amino acids, vitamins, and minerals needed in order for the intestines to heal (4).  They also do not contain any anti-nutrients such as phytic acid which can contribute to inflammation in the gut.

As a result, organically raised animal foods should make up the base of diet.  If you can, try including various organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidneys since these foods are packed full vital nutrients that can help those suffering from IBD.

Fruit should be limited and preferably only eaten seasonally, whereas dark green leafy vegetables should be eaten abundantly. Most store bough fruit has been hybridized and contains too much sugar when compared to the original.  Dark greens can be excellent for IBD suffers due to their low sugar content and prebiotics which feed the good bacteria in the gut (5).  If possible, aim to consume a couple servings of dark leafy greens each day.

Bone broths are amazing for anyone suffering from gut issues and can effectively seal the gut lining making the intestines less permeable. Furthermore, consuming healthy fats such as extra virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil are also extremely soothing for the intestines; however, these oils do not contain the necessary amino acids needed to promote regeneration in the gut.

For those interested in learning more about diet and the best foods to eat for gut health, The Weston A. Price foundation is an amazing resource.

How Manuka Honey can Help IBD

Raw Manuka honey coming from worker bees in the New Zealand is one of the most beneficial foods in existence.  Its nutritional and medicinal profile is unsurpassed when compared to any other honey on the planet.

For centuries this honey has been used to promote regeneration in the body and to promote longevity.  Ancient Maori warriors of New Zealand were well known for their frequent use of this honey both internally and externally.

Due to its high antimicrobial properties, Manuka honey is excellent for those suffering from IBD.  Research has shown that IBD suffers almost always have any overgrowth of pathogenic yeast species such as candida (6).

Interestingly, it’s been shown that raw Manuka honey can effectively inhibit the growth of various candida species in the gut (7). Also, since Manuka contains 5000 enzymes, it can help improve digestion and enhance the stomachs ability to further break down food into the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Simply taking a few teaspoons of raw Manuka honey can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.  Many have reported improved digestion and better energy levels after only a few short days of using Manuka honey.  That being said, everyone is different and each person’s experience with Manuka may be different.  However, this food has proved to extremely beneficial for human health through the centuries.

Make sure Your Manuka Honey is Raw

Many suppliers have begun to sell pasteurized Manuka honey for a cheaper price.  Unfortunately, the pasteurization process effectively destroys the medicinal and nutritive properties found within Manuka honey.

In fact, once honey has been heated, it becomes useless.  For this reason, it’s imperative that you always choose a raw Manuka honey.  We personally like Kiva Raw Manuka Honey.  This Manuka honey comes straight from New Zealand and contains all the beneficial properties that Manuka is prized for.  It’s also completely raw.

However, wherever you choose to purchase your Manuka from, you must make sure it’s raw.  You will also want to look for a Manuka honey with a rating of at least 16+. This will ensure that you are getting an extremely potent and high quality Manuka honey.