Natural Flu Remedies | Manuka Honey and Many More

With the flu virus at an all-time high in America, millions are seeking protection against this sometimes deadly virus.  Each year we are reminded that the flu is stronger and more resistant to the pharmaceutical medicine used to help combat the virus.

Each year, thousands and thousands of individuals will line up to get their flu shot which has shown to be only 10% effective in the last several years.  Furthermore, this number will most likely continue to go down as the virus continues to become more resistant to modern medical treatments.

Luckily, there are several natural treatments which can help protect against the flu virus.  These treatments have been used for thousands and thousands of years and have a proven track record of being both safe and effective.

Below is a list of the top 5 natural flu remedies that can help protect you and your family

Manuka Honey for the Flu Virus

Raw Manuka honey is an amazing superfood with powerful properties which can help protect the body against bacteria and viruses such as the flu.  New Zealanders have been using this honey for centuries due to its health promoting and rejuvenating properties.

However, its ability to protect the body against the flu is unsurpassed when compared to any other natural remedy.  Research has shown that raw Manuka honey has potent inhibitory activity against the flu virus and demonstrates amazing medicinal properties (1).

manuka honey flu

Taking a few teaspoons each day of Manuka honey can help protect the body against the flu virus and inhibit its ability to replicate in the body.  Also, unlike conventional antibiotics, Manuka honey does not destroy the good gut bacteria within your intestines

Research published in Nature Reviews Immunology showed that the majority of our immune system is highly dependent on the health and integrity of the gut (2). 

The overuse of antibiotics can actually leave the body more susceptible to viruses such as the flu since it destroys the healthy gut flora of the individual.  This is why natural remedies, such as Manuka honey, are favored over conventional antibiotics.

Also, if it’s powerful enough to combat the flu, then it’s definitely strong enough to stop the common cold.  It’s been shown that Manuka honey can help those having trouble fall asleep due to night time cough by effectively reducing symptoms and treating the sickness naturally (3).

Aged Garlic Extract

Many are aware of the benefits of garlic, but very few know about aged garlic.  For those avoiding garlic due to smell, aged garlic extracts produce no garlic odor and contain all the medicinal properties found in regular garlic.

Garlic is nature’s perfect antibiotic. It’s been shown that viruses and bacteria that have become antibiotic resistance have no defense against the powerful natural antibiotic properties found with in garlic (4).

The sulfur compound Allicin is thought to be the reason garlic contains such powerful antibiotic effects in the body.  However, those who practice natural health know that all the properties found within garlic are what make it so special, and not just a single compound.

aged garlic flu

Studies show that aged garlic extracts enhance the immune system and significantly reduces the severity of the cold and flu (5).  The immune modulating properties contained within aged garlic makes it perfect for those with immune system imbalances.

You also get the added benefit of aged garlic’s ability to effectively lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (6).

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver may be the most powerful antimicrobial in the entire world, yet very few are even aware of this amazing substance.  In fact, hospitals all over the world use colloidal silver in order to disinfect tools before surgery and other lab equipment.

When taken internally, colloidal silver has the ability to complete destroy a bacteria or virus in a matter of seconds by effectively disabling its oxygen-metabolism enzyme.  Unfortunately, there is not much research studying the effects of colloidal silver of various bacteria and viruses such as the flu. 

However, there was one study showing that colloidal silver helped improve upper respiratory disease tremendously in children (7).

Its ability to be used both topically and externally makes colloidal silver extremely valuable for those looking for more natural alternatives.  With that said, the millions of testimonials behind colloidal silver are too big to ignore despite lack of scientific research.

Cod Liver Oil

Made famous by ancient Vikings, cod liver oil is a powerhouse of nutrition and contains key vitamins that have been shown to have anti-flu effects.  In particular, cod liver oil is extremely high in the fat soluble vitamin D.  This vitamin is actually a hormone and is extremely important for several processes in the human body.  Low vitamin D levels are one the biggest causes of poor immune system health and the inability to fight off viruses and bacteria (8).

In fact, it has been demonstrated by researchers that high doses of vitamin D help protect against both the cold and flu (9).

As well as containing vitamin D, cod liver oil also contains vitamin K2.  More and more research is beginning to show just how important vitamin K2 is towards overall health.  Sadly, this vitamin only occurs in select animal foods and the majority of the population is deficient in it.

Although there is no research showing vitamin K2 helping against the flu, we do know that it’s extremely important for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis (10).


Used for centuries by northern Native Americans, elderberry is a powerful medicinal remedy which can help fend of the flu.  Its powerful phytochemicals and antioxidant content can help combat various pathogens and bacteria that we come into contact with each day.

This medicinal plant is so potent that it’s been shown to be effective against 10 different strains of the flu virus.  It has also shown the ability to significantly reduce the duration of the flu virus through its powerful medicinal properties (11).

elderberry flu

Taking a few doses of elderberry during flu season is an excellent idea for anyone looking for protection against the flu without the use of drugs.  However, it’s important to take it slow when first introducing elderberry into the diet.  Once the body becomes acclimated to this powerful super herb, higher doses can be used until desired levels are reached.