Manuka Honey | Reduce Stress Levels Naturally and Effectively

An excessive amount of stress is the biggest reason individuals can not heal and get well from various sicknesses and diseases.  In fact, prolonged periods of stress can actually manifest itself as both physical and mental aliments.

Luckily, with the correct diet and various lifestyle changes, this stress can be lowered naturally.  Furthermore, superfoods such as raw Manuka honey can help expedite the process of lowering stress levels in the body naturally.

Raw Manuka honey has been prized throughout the centuries by native New Zealanders who claimed this honey had “magical properties.” Interestingly, they weren’t far from the truth as research has shown that Manuka honey contains antibacterial properties which can help eliminate bacteria that have become antibiotic resistant (1).

The benefits of this honey are endless and we will explore later in this post how it can help diminish your stress levels quickly, naturally and effectively.

How Diet Effects Stress Levels

stressMany are unaware that what they’re eating may in fact be causing a significant rise in stress levels in the body.  This is because the human microbiome plays an extremely important role in how we feel.  In fact, it’s been estimated that over 80% of our immune system is dependent on the integrity of our gut health (2).

With that said, several autoimmune conditions are actually a result of poor gut health or a gut dsybosis.  Interestingly, many of our neurotransmitters such as serotonin have been shown be manufactured in the gut (3). For those unaware, serotonin is often referred to as the “feel good neurotransmitter” because it helps combat stress and promotes happiness in the human body.

A study published in Clinic and Practice found that dsybosis and inflammation of the gut have been linked to causing several mental illnesses including anxiety and depression (4).

This simply means that the worse an individual’s diet is, the more likely he/she will experience depressive symptoms or an inability to handle stress because of an out-of-balanced gut.

The Importance of Keeping the Microbiome Healthy

As mentioned before, those experiencing extreme amounts of stress usually have some type of gut dysfunction.  There is emerging research showing that many health problems are a result of a gut dsybosis.


In fact, research published in frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience discovered that patients suffering from autism spectrum disorder showed abnormal gut microbiota in multiple studies (5). Sadly, this shows that the gut microbiome plays an extremely important role in the overall mental and physically health of the human body.

Thankfully, there are various steps that can be taken in order to regenerate gut health and protect against various unwanted conditions in the body.

The Best Diet for Lowering Stress Levels Naturally

Too much sugar, processed grains, and chemical additives found in packaged foods all take their toll on the gut.  Couple this with the overuse of gut destroying antibiotics and you have a recipe for disaster.

Unprepared nuts, seeds, and grains also contribute to gut inflammation and permeability due to their high Phytic acid content (6).  It’s highly recommend that if you’re going to eat these types of foods that you properly prepare them by either soaking, cooking, roasting, or fermenting.  This significantly reduces the phytic acid content which helps your gut tremendously.

If you truly want to reduce stress levels in the diet naturally, you need to eat an organic whole foods diet.  This means no processed foods and no white sugar.

Furthermore, consuming a Manuka honey in tandem with proper diet will do miracles for your gut health.  Manuka honey contains live enzymes which can help correct digestive issues and help the integrity of the entire microbiome.

How Manuka Honey Lowers Stress Levels

As mentioned before, Manuka honey contains several anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.  As a result, Manuka is excellent for lowering the number of bad bacteria found within the human stomach.  These bad bacteria can hinder the production of serotonin in the gut thus causing emotions such as stress, anxiety and depression.


In fact, one of the most common problems individuals face when dealing with a dsybosis in the gut is an overgrowth of candida.  Studies have found that women suffering from a chronic candida overgrowth have out-of-balanced cortisol levels which indicate chronic stress in the body (7).

Furthermore, it’s been discovered that Candida can cause the inability to recover from several mental illnesses since micro-nutrients are not able to be properly utilized in the gut when there is a candida overgrowth (8).

Luckily, raw Manuka honey can help combat stubborn candida overgrowth’s in the gut due to its high antibacterial properties.  In fact, it has been proven that Manuka honey can help rid the gut of a candida overgrowth and improve the functionality of the microbiome (9).

This results in a less leaky and inflamed gut, reduction in intestinal permeability, and better utilization of micro-nutrients.  Consequently, this inevitably results in a lowered stress levels and better mood.

How to Incorporate Manuka Honey

Manuka can be taken daily without problem.  Most, like to take it first thing in morning as this primes the stomach for the day to come and helps in the detoxification process since the body’s best time for elimination is in the morning.

However, there is not limit on how often you can use Manuka honey.  Some may find that once a day is enough and others may need to take it multiple times throughout the day.

Be sure to experiment and see what works for you; everyone will respond differently.  Simply start with a teaspoon to see how your body responds and then go from there.  Don’t overdo it, as too much early on could cause stomach pain.

Which Manuka Honey is best for Lowering Stress Levels?

It’s important to understand that not all Manuka honey is created equal.   The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) is a global standard used to grade different types of Manuka based on strength and quality.


Be sure to read our previous article that goes in depth on the Manuka honey grading system which can help you choose a superior Manuka product.  However, you want to look for UMF of 16 plus. This is considered to be superior Manuka honey and contains high levels of antibacterial and beneficial properties.

All Manuka honey producers are required to put the UMF grade on the jar.  This ensures that the customer is receiving the best quality Manuka possible.

==> Get UMF 20 + Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey

How Long Will it Take To Lower Stress Levels?

If Manuka honey is used in tandem with proper diet, you should see an improvement in stress levels fairly quickly.  However, there may be some “turbulence” in the beginning as you begin to re-adjust your microbiome.

With that said, it’s absolutely mandatory that you cut out all white sugar as this is main reason for gut dysfunction and high stress levels in the body.  Sure you could consume Manuka honey and continue eating sugar but you will never truly rid yourself of possible overgrowth’s in the gut.

Many processed foods that contain emulsifiers also contribute to gut dysfunction and have been shown to contribute to colitis and metabolic syndrome (10).

This is why it’s highly recommended that you also follow an organic whole food diet in addition to taking Manuka honey daily. This will give you the best possible results and will help combat high stress levels in the body naturally.